Village Archives and History Movement

Village Archives and History Movement

Archive order is the process/stages of managing archives to be neat and orderly in accordance with applicable archival provisions. This guide provides the stages of implementing archive management in accordance with Law Number 43 of 2009 concerning Archives and Government Regulation Number 28 of 2012 concerning Implementation of Law Number 43 of 2009 concerning Archives. This guide is specifically for villages, sub-districts and the like in order to support the orderliness of state administration activities. The orderly archives of the village, sub-district and their sejensi are part of the Orderly Movement of Village Archives and History which consists of orderly archives of the village, sub-district and the like, as well as village history. This movement can be said to be a continuation of the Village Entry Archive Program (AMD) as stipulated in ANRI Head Regulation Number 8 of 2009 concerning the AMD Program, which was implemented from 2009 to 2014.

Orderly archives of villages, sub-districts and the like support the implementation of the Village Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are the total development of the village by realizing villages without poverty, without hunger, decent clean water and sanitation, clean and renewable energy, infrastructure and innovation according to needs. The citizens are healthy and prosperous, receive quality education, women participate, grow the economy evenly, consumption and production are environmentally conscious. Live in safe and comfortable settlements, respond to climate change, care for the marine and terrestrial environment, have peace and justice, partner to build villages. Equipped with the typical objectives of the 18th Village SDGs, namely dynamic village institutions and adaptive village culture.

The implementation of the Village SDGs certainly produces archives that must be managed properly so as to create archive order in the village. The orderly village, sub-district and similar archives are in line with the 18th Village SDGs, especially regarding dynamic village institutions which are an important key to implementing Village SDGs. One of the indicators of dynamic village institutions is that they are willing to follow the latest data, so that they are agile in formulating policies according to the latest data. The data is of course obtained from archives that are intact and well organized.

The orderly implementation of village, sub-district and similar village archives is a joint work by all existing actors, one of which is the involvement of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration which has the function of carrying out government affairs in the field of village and rural area development, as well as village community empowerment. In addition, to support good archive management regarding the implementation of Village SDGs, the role of ANRI is needed which has the function of organizing national archive development as well as preserving and providing archives as material for national accountability in the framework of national life. The participation of other actors is also needed, such as the Regency/City Regional Archives Institution to participate in maintaining the orderly village/kelurahan archives and the like.